245: Mika Simmons on sex, grief, and happy vaginas

245: Mika Simmons on sex, grief, and happy vaginas


She's a campaigner, an author, a podcaster, and an all-round legend - it's the awesome Mika Simmons! 


We talk about why she set up her brilliant foundation, Ladygarden, and what it was like to lose her mother to cancer. There are some very moving moments as Mika describes their last moments together, and what it's like to have to tell your mum she's going to die. Plus, she shares her number one piece of advice for coping with grief. 


Then it's back to the usual old filth. We hear about Mika's book, The Happy Vagina, and talk about all sorts of sordid nonsense from overcoming sexual shyness to fiddling with yourself. What is a blended orgasm? Do we all have a g-spot, and if not, can we get one? Why isn't calling someone a pussy such a sexist insult after all? Mika answers all our questions, and reveals a fact about conception that blows Ellie's mind. 


For more from Mika, visit ladygardenfoundation.com, read her book, listen to her podcast and follow her on Instagram @missmikasimmons.


Tickets for our 2023 shows are now on sale! We are coming to Lincoln, Kettering, Redhill, Camberley, Cheltenham, Lancaster, Caernarfon, Burnley, Milton Keynes, Winchester, Newcastle, Lichfield, Rotherham, Twickenham, Leeds, Birmingham, Crewe, Lowestoft... And new dates are being added all the time! Keep an eye on scummymummies.com for announcements and tickets.


**WE HAVE A SHOP!** Visit scummymummiesshop.com for our ace t-shirts, mugs, washbags, sweatshirts and beach towels. FREE UK DELIVERY!  


We're on Twitter (@scummymummies), Instagram, and Facebook. If you like the podcast, please rate, review and subscribe.


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