Episode 2 is now available!

Episode 2 is now available!

Hello friends! The second episode of the Scummy Mummies podcast is now available. Just click the link below to listen.

Highlights of this episode include:

Current Affairs: We tackle the tricky topic of smacking and discuss the state of the
Middleton Flange.   

Culture: We've Seen a Film! Well, one of us has. But we still feel qualified to review it. 

Lies & Bribes: A roundup of our favourites. 

Scummy Mummy Confessions: Featuring terrible tales from our own dear listeners. 

PLUS our brand new game: ROCK, PAPER, SHAME! Why not play along at home? 

Please do have a listen and let us know what you think. Thanks! Or CLICK HERE


Read more

Episode 1 is LIVE!!

Episode 1 is LIVE!!

302: Self-love, second chances and dick pics with Lou Featherstone

302: Self-love, second chances and dick pics with Lou Featherstone

Episode 3: Bins, gigs, and Handbag Surprise

Episode 3: Bins, gigs, and Handbag Surprise


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