Episode 27: Travel Special - Wish You Weren't Here

Episode 27: Travel Special - Wish You Weren't Here

The Scummy Mummies podcast reaches new lows this episode as we insult our guest's children, spend ages talking about poo and debate whether it's OK to show your husband your "bum grapes".  

Joining us on the DFS sofa is Tracey Davies, travel writer and mum of three. She gives us her top tips for getting cheap holiday deals, which include having identical twins so you can defraud Premier Inn.  Helen reveals the part she played in solving The Troubles, while Ellie bangs on about Mexican jungle fires, Muhammad Ali and Center Parcs. 

Listen now (right-click to download) or via iTunes

Do tune in! And if you'd like to see the Scummy Mummies LIVE, we're doing the Camden Fringe - Sat 23 and Sun 24 August  at the Hen and Chickens, Islington. The show starts at 3pm and costs £7. Tickets are on sale now via the Fringe website.  

Do feel free to follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook and give us an iTunes review. And please send your Scummy Mummy Confessions to scummymummiespodcast@gmail.com.

Thank you for listening and please keep doing so! The next episode won't be quite so scummy. Possibly. Let's be honest, it could be worse. www.scummymummies.com

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