Episode 4: Sleep Special - Plums, plasagne and a Special Guest.

Episode 4: Sleep Special - Plums, plasagne and a Special Guest.

The latest episode of The Scummy Mummies Podcast is now live! 
Episode 4 features our first ever SPECIAL GUEST! It's the lovely Jessie, a nurse, 
health visitor and mother who knows more about childcare than Helen, Ellie
and Supernanny put together. CLICK HERE to listen!


Read more

Episode 3: Bins, gigs, and Handbag Surprise

Episode 3: Bins, gigs, and Handbag Surprise

302: Self-love, second chances and dick pics with Lou Featherstone

302: Self-love, second chances and dick pics with Lou Featherstone

Episode 5: The Derren Brown of Vajayjays

Episode 5: The Derren Brown of Vajayjays


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